Deal with emotional triggers


  1. Spot your emotional triggers.
    Notice when and why you get swept up by certain thoughts or feelings. Think back to times you reacted automatically, almost without thinking. What thought or emotion was behind that reaction? Identifying these triggers helps you understand what pulls you into habitual responses.
  2. Question the stories you've been telling to yourself.
    Examine the stories you tell yourself about your abilities, your worth, and how the world works. Are these narratives always true? Challenge them by finding evidence that contradicts these beliefs. For example, if you believe you're not good at making friends, list down all the friendships you have nurtured over the years. Then, ask yourself again: Are these beliefs or stories really true?
  3. Practice mindfulness.
    Develop a regular mindfulness practice to increase your awareness of the present moment without judgment. This can involve dedicated meditation sessions or simply paying closer attention to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations as you go about your day. Mindfulness helps create the space between stimulus and response, which allows you to choose how you react.


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