Put the compound effect to work for you


  1. Identify a goal you’ve never come around to achieving.
  2. Write out a few excuses you might be clinging to.
    For example, you may think you’re not smart enough, have the wrong upbringing, or lack the experience and education required to achieve your goal.
  3. Choose hard work and personal development.
    Decide to make up for what you lack in other areas through hard work and personal development. If your colleagues are more educated than you are, for example, choose to work harder than they do if you want to be promoted over them.
  4. Write out some small, inconsequential steps you can take every day.
    You don’t have to do anything grand. Little daily habits like reading for 15 minutes or walking for half an hour will take you much closer to your goal than you can imagine. You just have to remain consistent.
  5. Write down the small, seemingly inconsequential actions you should stop.
    Just like little positive habits take you closer to your goals, negative ones can derail you as effectively. Identify those little unhelpful habits, and quit them.
  6. Evaluate your past successes.
    List a few areas, skills, or outcomes where you’ve been most successful in the past. Consider whether you could be taking those for granted and have stopped improving. To avoid the failure that results in taking success for granted, do away with complacency.


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