Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers

Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers

by Timothy Ferriss

Tim Ferriss seeks wisdom from successful people and uses it to supercharge his life. In this book, he distills the performance-enhancing tools of nearly 200 inspirational people—from CEOs to athletes and everything in between. Embrace these ‘tools’: philosophies, routines, and habits; and watch your health, wealth, and wisdom expand beyond your wildest dreams.

Summary Notes


It turns out that to dramatically change your life, you don’t need to run a 100-mile race, get a Ph.D., or completely reinvent yourself. Big changes can come in small packages, and it’s the small things, done consistently, that happen to be the big things. The “performance-enhancing tools” in this book can be added to anybody’s life, no matter what their career, personal preferences, or unique responsibilities.

The term ‘tool’ is defined very broadly in this book and includes routines, books, common self-talk, supplements, favorite questions, practices, systems, and much more. They are listed in detail under the categories of “Healthy”, “Wealthy”, and “Wise”. When applied, these tools enable you to rapidly increase your results with very little effort. Follow this advice and you will be healthier, wealthier, wiser, calmer, and infinitely more successful, with more control over your work and life, and greater creativity.

Part 1: Healthy

“Kids don’t do what you say. They do what they see. How you live your life is their example.” -Paul Levesque

Actions to take

Part 2: Wealthy

“If you set your goals ridiculously high and it’s a failure, you will fail above everyone else’s success.” —James Cameron

Actions to take

Part 3: Wise

“The struggle ends when the gratitude begins.”—Neale Donald Walsch

Actions to take

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